Monday, November 23, 2015

Revision #3

The passage that I remember reading was probably the quote stating “Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will” That quote has become my motto. It’s extremely important to me because I am someone who has allot of doubt in my abilities. Probably more than I should. But I now have this quote plastered everywhere. And this has really helped me become more confident. I am able to give myself the credit that I should and I am very thankful that I found this quote. This quote didn’t come from a book, it came from a magazine I read allot. It’s a bike magazine and the name escapes me at this time. But I think that this quote had played a large role in who I am today. My successes in the sports I compete in. And even the grades that I earn. I largely accredit it all to this one little quote. I don’t really know why it has such a positive impact on my life. But without this quote I wouldn’t have such a high confidence level, a positive attitude, and free spirit. Though I think maybe maturity is something lacking from my life, I don’t care, I prefer fun over boring stuff.

I like quotes, they inspire me to push myself, and to be better at everything i do. That quote i've already talked about has had a huge impact on how i push myself, but i also have another one that plays such an important role. The quote is “Our fear is not that we are inadequate, but that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us.” I know its kind of long, kind of more that a quote should be in the eyes of some. Its probably a little too long to put on a picture for a phone background. But it has more meaning than it seems. One needs to realize that we have the potential for anything. We can do anything we want. But what happens when we do achieve that goal? We are now without a goal. And we may not know how to use the success we have just gained. So we then fear we are different, or weird in some way. But i love this quote because it gives new insight into our real fears. Which may even be a fear of success. I don't know. That's my interpretation. Probably not how everyone else sees it. But i like the quote and that is my view.

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