Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Sometimes there's no such thing as winning

 Driving down the road, out of nowhere she came. I was terrified, worried if she were going to hurt me. But I proceeded to stop and ask if she was okay. Before I could even finish she jumped into the back and begged me to drive as far away from this spot as I could. I was a bit worried but more for her than myself because she seemed petrified of something or maybe even someone. So I did as I was asked, I drove. After about an hour of silence with a stranger in the back of my cab I asked,
“Miss, are you okay?”
“I am now.” She replied short and quick
Unsure how to keep things going I went ahead and asked “What’s your name?”
“Rebecca” she mumbled
“I’m James” I returned
We went on talking for a little while, she told me what had happened to her and why she was so scared. She said that some friends of hers, as well as herself went down to Cancun for a vacation, and they met a few guys down there that seemed really friendly. So rather than staying in their hotel they decided to go stay with these guys. I thought I sounded like a dumb idea when she told me but I remember being in my twenties as well, so I kept my mouth shut. Rebecca was a pretty girl and couldn’t have been a day over 23 so I figured I probably shouldn’t act like a parent after all she has had to deal with. So I just let her go on. She said her and her friends went down there to celebrate her friend Jessica’s 21st birthday. She went on to explain that after about a week of staying with them she starting dating one of the men. She said he told her his name was Matt, and that at first she was practically in love with him. He showered her with affection and gifts for not only her, but her friends as well. They all were supposedly staying at Matt’s mansion. She explained it to be extravagant, large towers and a huge pool that her and her friends were at daily. But she said that after about 3 months Matt began to act strange. Lots of late night hours as a construction worker, she said some nights he wouldn’t even come home. She wasn’t really upset just curious but didn’t give it much of a second thought. Until one day Matt brought his “clients” home, and that’s when she realized things probably weren’t going to be good. These men took her friends and beat them repeatedly. She yelled for them to stop and they did, they shot her friends right in front of her. Then they ran for her, she bolted. Still in her bikini as they had just came from the pool she ran as fast as she could, but then she tells me that all she remembers from then on is waking up in what she describes as a cage, where she says she was for what likely seems like forever. She was supposed to be sold into the sex trade. But she says that one night they left the key close enough to where she could reach. And now she was with me.
“That’s all I remember” I told the officer.
“Thank you for your help” he said as he turned to leave
“Wait!!” I exclaimed
“Yes?” he replied
“Is she okay”
He looked at the other officer and told me the worst news imaginable
“No, she didn’t make it. I’m sorry son”
I then rolled over and proceeded to cry.
The men I thought I was helping her escape from rammed our car and caused us to roll. Ejecting Rebecca from the car resulting in this young lady who had nearly escaped impossible odds to lose her life. 

Monday, October 26, 2015


As I looked at the Jack-o-Lantern, it seemed to be looking back at me. Then I walked up next to it to get to the door for my candy.  As I was walking back to the street, I found out that the Jack-o-Lantern was the head of a person’s costume as the proceeded to jump up to scare me. When they jumped out, I instinctually kicked the man in his nuts as I was so scared I literally pooped my pants. Whilst the man was doubled over in pain due to a full force kick to the nut sac from a 9 year old, I ran a mile and a half back to the house to change my underwear. I then left the house and found my parents, whom I had left in the dust to go home and change, I then was given a lecture about how If I’m going to get scared to the point at which it causes bodily harm to others, I am no longer allowed to trick or treat. Which as a 9 year old made me cry my eyes out at the fear or no more free candy. So once the lecture was done my parents told me that I was allowed to go back and even go with only my friends. Looking back at the day my parents probably just didn’t want to have to explain themselves to someone else I beat up out of fear.

So after about two more hours of trick or treating we finished up and returned to a friend’s house to watch movies and drink hot chocolate while we trade our candy to others for different types for our favorite types. It was probably 2 in the morning when we decided to go toilet paper this girl down the streets house. So we took all of the toilet paper from his house and put it in backpacks and had his brother drive us just in case we got caught. He even bought us eggs and was willing to show us how to toilet paper. So we got there and messed the tree with toilet paper and even got a couple good shots across the roof. After maybe 20 minutes of throwing toilet paper we were about out of it, so we took the last bit and put it around their car and we were going to spray it with the hose once we were done. So after we were out of toilet paper my friend’s brother brought out the eggs. We were all so excited we could hardly contain ourselves. We hit the garage and some other areas of the house until we were down to the last two. And I was given the honor of throwing the last two. And for the last one we decided to hit the girl as she opened the door. She was around 16 so we didn’t feel too bad because she was always trying to make us think she was going to run us over. So we rang the doorbell, and as soon as the door opened I launched the last of our eggs before looking at the person I was about to nail. Once I opened my eyes, I realized we were screwed. It was my freaking mom. We got the addresses switched and my mom was at her friends for a party. Needless to say, I was grounded until the next Halloween.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Keeping it real

Image result for inspiring quotes for parents of teenagers 17. My perfect day would probably entail spending my day down in Arkansas with my family and spend the whole day riding and skating. I love spending the day in Arkansas, because it’s so much more fun than down here and has so much more to do.
11. As a kid we spent allot of time outside. And more than half of that time we spent playing hide and seek. So I’m pretty okay at playing hide and seek. We used leave the screen porch of one of our friends house unlocked so that we could hide in there and lock the door again so that nobody else could get in and pretty much just chill in there. Or we would climb up this tree in his backyard and just go as high as we could because only a few of us were able to climb the tree because of the branch that started it. That branch was fairly high up there so only a select few could reach.
7. I honestly believe it depends on the person. Some people can fall in love at the drop of a hat, and others are a little wearier of the word “love”. But I mean if you think that there is a future with that person, by all means be with them and try to make everything work. But when you see a future, you need to kind of watch how you two work. Like how you click and how you but heads, things like that I feel like are really fairly important. I mean there are people who just click and everything is perfect from the beginning and that’s great. But there are also others who take time to fall for someone and things aren’t always fine and dandy from the beginning on. So really it depends on who you are.

2. Parents of teenagers definitely are brave souls. Teens are not in any way shape or form easy to deal with and put up with. They argue just to argue, they poke at things just to get under their skin, and teens are jerks at times. But parents have to allow their teens to have freedoms. Curfew is a huge deal to a teen. Who wants to go home at like 7:00 at any age? There is no fun in that no matter what age a person is at. But parents like to have their teens home at a reasonable time because they’re worried about them doing bad things or something along those lines, most of the time. But parents really need to give their teens a reasonable curfew, that’s a big one. They also need to stop trying to baby their teens. They did a good job already, they made it to 13+ because of their parent’s encouragement and teachings but from then on. Parents need to give their teens the ability to sink or swim on their own. Everybody needs encouragement, but a helicopter parent is much different than encouragement. And freedoms, this is huge. If a kid isn’t doing well in school, I understand grounding them or taking privileges away, but when they’re doing well at life. They need to have their freedoms and chances to still be a kid

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

quotes are great

Image result for furious 7 quotesImage result for furious 7 quotesImage result for bruce lee be water my friend

Movies.. They arent bad.. But they arent great.

My favrite movie is a movie called The Jerk wit Steve Martin. Its kind of a stupid movie but i enjoy it, i like the immaturity and the joking nature of the movie. It was made quite some time ago but i generally tend to like those old comedies. Along the lines of The Jerk,Strange Brew and Joe Dirt. movies i cannot stand are those that have a poor plot. I know it sounds like a double standard but movies that are hard to follow and confusing quite frankly just make me mad. I´m really not a big T.V person so movies are kind of a now and again thing. I prefer the out doors to a dark room and T.V, but when i do end up in one of my rare T.V moods I like to have it completely dark with only the T.V as a light source. As i assume most people do, but i like to have like a full dinner if im at home watching a movie. Like order in a big bag of Chinese food and a water as i cannot stand the taste and chemicals in soda. I don´t really need company to watch a movie but having someone there is always nice, as i have a short attention span and cannot watch a full movie with no talking. Movies are cool and all, but id so much rather be doing something in the fresh air. When there are no clouds in the sky and no danger advisories, i feel that there is absolutely no reason to watch movies.I understand watching them on rainy, snowy and cruddy days. But why on beautiful perfect days? If the sun is shining, and the day isnt over, get out and enjoy your day while you can. Life can be a drag, life can even suck sometimes. But spending time with friends, family, and the outdoors is a pretty great cure for the butt kicking life can unleash on us. Live life to the fullest, and you do you.


    Take a look at how you scored on the Big Five personality dimensions below.
    Your scores, compared with the responses of other people, suggest that you may be described as follows:

    You are extraverted, outgoing, active and high-spirited. You prefer to be around people most of the time. 

    You are generally warm, trusting, and agreeable, but you can sometimes be stubborn and competitive. 

    You are dependable and moderately well-organised. You generally have clear goals and are able to set goals aside. 

    You are generally calm and able to deal with stress, but you sometimes experience feelings of guilt, anger and sadness. 

    You are practical but willing to consider new ways of doing things. You try to seek a balance between the old and the new. 
    This is what the survey said about me. For the most part they have me pretty well spot on. I am a very extroverted person. Im only shy at first. I am extremely active. I have next to no time to waste on movies. But i do enjoy a good movie every once and a while.

Where will my future lead?

Image result for mountain biking quotesMonday was a pretty cool presentation actually. I thought that it was pretty cool that his ideas for writing his book came from how crappy he thought the children's books he would read to his kids were. I never really knew that there were online critiques for really anything. But i guess that is because i never really thought about doing anything that i need critiqued. I'm really curious as to what book he was reading when he realized that he could write better than what was in it? In 1 year, I hope that i have a job that i dont mind working at and that i enjoy. In 5 years i hope tho have a major picked out and to be in college working on that major to help me get a career. In 10 years i hope to be working my career and be with someone that i want to spend the rest of my life with. And in 50 years, I hope to be doing one thing, Mountain biking. I want to be able to live well while in retirement, but i really want to be in good health and living with my family. Having my health is the most important thing to me.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Edward hopper painting

As a child in a small town there wasn’t much of anything to do. We had one bowling alley, which my friends and I spent most of our allowance at. But when we ran out of money we had other ways of entertaining ourselves. We would do the typical dumb stuff kids do, we threw rocks at bee’s nests, went and looked for snakes and lizards and such. But the one thing we did that not many others did was, we would spend a lot of time at this red box car that was pushed off to the side. We would pretend that it was a castle and those who were not inside were those attacking the castle. We would play at this all day when we had no money, and even for a while when we did. But one day, we left the bowling alley and went to the box car to find a furry tail hanging out of the car. Being stupid and irrational we went to go and investigate what had taken over our castle. We soon found an injured wolf, it seemed like it had a cut leg or something of that nature because of the blood dried up on its outer thigh. We lived between a couple mountain ranges and had always heard that there were wolves but never had seen any until this moment. There was five of us and one of her, we knew it was a her for the obvious reasons, but we figured we didn’t have to out run the wolf, just the slowest of the group. So after a while of staring from a distance, I had the bright idea to go up and pet her. Everyone was calling dibs on my stuff as I was walking thinking that was the last of me. But when I got up there, the wolf seemed to be more scared than I was. So I moved slowly to let her calm down, and once she seemed calm I held out my left hand for her to sniff. Much like one would do with a dog, I’m right handed so I figured that my left hand wasn’t that important. And to my surprise, the wolf behaved much like any dog would, she sniffed my hand and realized I was no threat and returned to how she was laying as she allowed me to stroke her fur. Knowing she wasn’t going to kill anyone everyone else came and pet her much like I did. Everyone then began heading home, one after another. To where it soon was me and this lone wolf, as I was thinking of leaving she stood up and turned to where she was right next to me. I then knew that since she now had no pack, she was asking for my companionship. She stayed in that car for nearly a year, me visiting for hours every day to see how she was healing. Even after she was back to how shee had been she stayed. I didn’t know why but I was okay with it. I had never had a dog, and now I had a wolf. How cool was that? I remember as if it were yesterday, I came back one day to an empty box car. At first I thought maybe something was wrong, and then realized that she was a wild animal. She had to be wild, even if I felt like we had bonded as our own pack. But I soon just let it go and went on about my days, not knowing what happened to my friend. I moved on with life, went through middle school, went to high school, got my car, met the girl of my dreams, and then found out what happened to my old friend. July 24th 1977, I went to that box car before leaving for college. To find a wolf sitting and looking outside the car, I knew it was her but was worried she was unaware of who I am. As I approached she scurried off into the brush for a moment. She then returned with a pup in her mouth. She came over to me and set it down at my feet. My girlfriend was back in the car, staring with amazement when I went to retrieve her. I brought her forward and said “this is an old friend and her new family” my girlfriend was terrified but I reassured her not to worry. I had her hold out her hand and allow my friend to smell. The wolf reacted by putting her head under the hand allowing my girlfriend to feel her soft fur as I pet the pup. Hours passed and the sun began to set, I figured it was best to go and let the wild stay wild. So I grabbed the hand of my girlfriend and we walked to the car as my friend grabbed her pup and moved off, turning back to exchange on last glance as we moved off and went our spate ways

The End