As I looked at the Jack-o-Lantern,
it seemed to be looking back at me. Then I walked up next to it to get to the
door for my candy. As I was walking back
to the street, I found out that the Jack-o-Lantern was the head of a person’s
costume as the proceeded to jump up to scare me. When they jumped out, I
instinctually kicked the man in his nuts as I was so scared I literally pooped
my pants. Whilst the man was doubled over in pain due to a full force kick to
the nut sac from a 9 year old, I ran a mile and a half back to the house to
change my underwear. I then left the house and found my parents, whom I had
left in the dust to go home and change, I then was given a lecture about how If
I’m going to get scared to the point at which it causes bodily harm to others, I
am no longer allowed to trick or treat. Which as a 9 year old made me cry my
eyes out at the fear or no more free candy. So once the lecture was done my
parents told me that I was allowed to go back and even go with only my friends.
Looking back at the day my parents probably just didn’t want to have to explain
themselves to someone else I beat up out of fear.
So after about two more hours of
trick or treating we finished up and returned to a friend’s house to watch
movies and drink hot chocolate while we trade our candy to others for different
types for our favorite types. It was probably 2 in the morning when we decided
to go toilet paper this girl down the streets house. So we took all of the
toilet paper from his house and put it in backpacks and had his brother drive
us just in case we got caught. He even bought us eggs and was willing to show
us how to toilet paper. So we got there and messed the tree with toilet paper
and even got a couple good shots across the roof. After maybe 20 minutes of
throwing toilet paper we were about out of it, so we took the last bit and put
it around their car and we were going to spray it with the hose once we were
done. So after we were out of toilet paper my friend’s brother brought out the
eggs. We were all so excited we could hardly contain ourselves. We hit the
garage and some other areas of the house until we were down to the last two. And
I was given the honor of throwing the last two. And for the last one we decided
to hit the girl as she opened the door. She was around 16 so we didn’t feel too
bad because she was always trying to make us think she was going to run us
over. So we rang the doorbell, and as soon as the door opened I launched the
last of our eggs before looking at the person I was about to nail. Once I opened
my eyes, I realized we were screwed. It was my freaking mom. We got the addresses
switched and my mom was at her friends for a party. Needless to say, I was
grounded until the next Halloween.
No way! Is this a true story? It's quite convincing! : )