Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Art Walk

This is not the original print i had but its very close. it reminds me of the trip to Florida i have taken with my uncle and cousin. That is actually the most fun trip i have ever taken. The first day we got there the waves were practically non existent. The water looked almost like glass. But the day after was w hole new experience. It was some sort of crazy yet smallish tropical storm. But us being fun loving individuals. WE went to the surf shop and purchased probably 3 dollar rafts. We then proceeded to the waves and laid on the rafts. Getting slammed and shoved under the water by 10-15 foot waves. We were probably the dumbest people there. But we soon began ton draw in a crowd. A crowd I only imagine was from a guy yelling to his friend " hey, you gotta come see these idiot."  we looked up and saw most people out on their balconies watching us act like morons. I to this day believe that we are on youtube due to our stupidity that day. We were out there for what was only maybe a half an hour, but it felt like 10 minutes. It was for sure the most fun i have had at the beach, EVER.  It was a stupid idea, yes. I could have drowned. i know. But do i care? Not one bit. it was totally worth the risk just for the experience.

1 comment:

  1. I can totally see you doing that! And you're probably right about being on video somewhere!
