Monday, September 28, 2015

Famous quotes

"I write this sitting in the kitchen sink."
I Capture the Castle - Original CoverBook Review: I Capture the Castle by Dodie SmithThis quote comes from the book called, I Capture The Castle. The book was written by a woman named Dodie Smith. Though i have never read the book, from the reviews i read they all stated one thing. That this book is very character driven. It talks of a young girl who live in diminishing castle that is hard to describe without using the word, "Picturesque". Doddie smith originally published this book in  1949. It has been republished a couple more times later on, Eventually even changing the picture on the cover. Unfortunately Ms. Smith died in 1990 on November 14th. Living a long life after being born on May 3rd of 1886.

"He was soon borne by the waves and lost in the darkness and distance"
Image result for the original frankenstein bookThis quote comes from the book Frankenstein. I mean who doesn't know of Frankenstein? Everyone does. Though I've never read the book or seen the original movie. Or any movie for that fact, i know this book talks of a man who creates what some may call a monster, Coining the phrase " ITS ALIIIVVVEE" Or something along that nature, thus book was written by a woman named Mary Shelley. Ms. Shelley passed away on February 1st of 1852, passing away at the age of 54. Being borne on August 30th of 1797.

Friday, September 25, 2015

college coaches deserve their pay

Image result for college football hitsColleges Coaches Deserve Their Pay

Coaches who coach college really do deserve their pay. Because the college years for players are the ones that truly matter. You aren’t able to go pro unless you do well in college. College coaches have to put up with much more than the coaches who coach professional teams. Pro players also make more money in a year than most people will in their entire lives and then some. The coaches in the pros have allot to handle. But I feel college is where a coach’s becomes someone or realizes they hate the sport and want to be something else. Players in the pros can get fined for doing dumb stuff. Just look at the running back for the Seattle Seahawks. Marshawn Lynch was fined ten thousand dollars for wearing a pair of cleats with skittles on them. He thought that it would be cool and somewhat funny due to his absolute love for the small colorful candies. Then look at college, I doubt they’d have been so strict on a small issue like that, but they might. What I’m saying is that college players play for a love of the game, and some players in the pros play for the sponsorship, and signing bonuses. Coaches are likely the same way. And also college coaches have more injuries to worry about. I actually watched a game the other night where a qb was hit so hard he didn’t get up. Where in the pros, they are trained to keep that from happening. They also have a whole heck of a lot more restrictions than those playing inn college. Pros have to watch their hits and not get a flag or a foul. But college has less restrictions. Like for football. The pros require two feet in bounds for it to be a complete. College requires only one

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Don't let doubt control your life

Image result for mountain biking doubt kills more dreams than fear ever willThe passage that I remember reading was probably the quote stating “Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will” That quote has become my motto. It’s extremely important to me because I am someone who has allot of doubt in my abilities. Probably more than I should. But I now have this quote plastered everywhere. And this has really helped me become more confident. I am able to give myself the credit that I should and I am very thankful that I found this quote. This quote didn’t come from a book, it came from a magazine I read allot. It’s a bike magazine and the name escapes me at this time. But I think that this quote had played a large role in who I am today. My successes in the sports I compete in. And even the grades that I earn. I largely accredit it all to this one little quote. I don’t really know why it has such a positive impact on my life. But without this quote I wouldn’t have such a high confidence level, a positive attitude, and free spirit. Though I think maybe maturity is something lacking from my life, I don’t care, I prefer fun over boring stuff. 

Writers as readers

Image result for dragon rider bookQuestion): What was the first book you remember reading? Why does this book stand out in your memory?
Answer): The first book I remember reading was probably the book Dragon Rider.  This book stands out to me because it was like 350 pages or something like that. I remember this book because I was in like 2nd grade and I was trying so hard to read it when I really never understood a word that was said in that book.
Question): What is one of your best memories connected with reading?
Answer): Probably second grade. Second grade we were forced to read allot so I read, or at least said that I was reading when I was really talking to my friends. I had one of my favorite teachers this time in my life so I really enjoyed that class. Though I had difficulty reading, I enjoyed getting to be around friends and be social.
Question): When you read, what do you need to be comfortable?
Answer): While most people need almost complete silence to read, I have to have a fair amount of noise. I need music or TV or something that can help keep my mind going. When its dead silent I feel really awkward. I hate silence, When things are quiet I feel like that takes away from the human nature of being social.
Question): Who was your first reading teacher? Why do you remember him/her? Was it a “teacher” who taught you or someone else?

Answer): The first person who taught me to read was probably my 2nd grade teacher. She was the first person to notice that I really wasn’t a strong reader and began to suggest that I not read such complex books and all. But I was a stubborn second grader so I did what I wanted. But she was really the first teacher to have a notice upon how I couldn’t quite read like everyone else. But I remember her because second grade was a fun grade. I still keep in contact with that teacher because of the impact that she had on my life/