Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Fear is Irrelevant

Image result for doubt kills more dreams than failure ever willFear is Irrelevant
I understand why some feel lost
I believe we need to be lost in order to eventually be found
Life is too short to let stress and sadness rule your life
Find something you enjoy and make that your focus
Find someone you love and let them in
Let them help you
Help you find yourself and the true meaning of life
Allow them to see you and your lowest point
And let them build you past your highest point
Hate kills
Sadness ruins
People need time to enjoy what they have and who they are
I know why there are those who push to find out your problems
I know why we have a fear of failure
We fear not fitting in
We fear being humiliated at the hands of others due to our short comings
But in all truth, doubt kills more dreams than failure ever


  1. What a lovely and powerful idea to let others in, to let them see us at our worst, to let them build us up.

  2. I like how you incorporated the quote you used earlier into your poem. It is a nice touch and kind of keeps with our theme of "stealing artistically".

  3. "We fear being humiliated at the hands of others due to our short comings" That is ever so moving. It really speaks to my soul.
