Coaches who coach college really do deserve their pay.
Because the college years for players are the ones that truly matter. You aren’t
able to go pro unless you do well in college. College coaches have to put up
with much more than the coaches who coach professional teams. Pro players also
make more money in a year than most people will in their entire lives and then
some. The coaches in the pros have allot to handle. But I feel college is where
a coach’s becomes someone or realizes they hate the sport and want to be
something else. Players in the pros can get fined for doing dumb stuff. Just
look at the running back for the Seattle Seahawks. Marshawn Lynch was fined ten
thousand dollars for wearing a pair of cleats with skittles on them. He thought
that it would be cool and somewhat funny due to his absolute love for the small
colorful candies. Then look at college, I doubt they’d have been so strict on a
small issue like that, but they might. What I’m saying is that college players
play for a love of the game, and some players in the pros play for the
sponsorship, and signing bonuses. Coaches are likely the same way. And also
college coaches have more injuries to worry about. I actually watched a game
the other night where a qb was hit so hard he didn’t get up. Where in the pros,
they are trained to keep that from happening. They also have a whole heck of a
lot more restrictions than those playing inn college. Pros have to watch their
hits and not get a flag or a foul. But college has less restrictions. Like for
football. The pros require two feet in bounds for it to be a complete. College
requires only one
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this, Jordan. You use several good examples to make your point.