Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Don't let doubt control your life

Image result for mountain biking doubt kills more dreams than fear ever willThe passage that I remember reading was probably the quote stating “Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will” That quote has become my motto. It’s extremely important to me because I am someone who has allot of doubt in my abilities. Probably more than I should. But I now have this quote plastered everywhere. And this has really helped me become more confident. I am able to give myself the credit that I should and I am very thankful that I found this quote. This quote didn’t come from a book, it came from a magazine I read allot. It’s a bike magazine and the name escapes me at this time. But I think that this quote had played a large role in who I am today. My successes in the sports I compete in. And even the grades that I earn. I largely accredit it all to this one little quote. I don’t really know why it has such a positive impact on my life. But without this quote I wouldn’t have such a high confidence level, a positive attitude, and free spirit. Though I think maybe maturity is something lacking from my life, I don’t care, I prefer fun over boring stuff. 


  1. You've got many years ahead of you for that maturity you think you might be "lacking." : ) Be young while you can! I love that these words have inspired you so and given you the boost you needed to go after the things you want.

  2. I totally agree. Doubt is the killer of dreams and relationships and many, many more things. I struggle with this at times and have adopted the philosophy that as long as I seem like I’m confident, I will be- a sort of “Fake it ‘till you make it,” if you will. As for maturity, who needs it? All the best people stay children forever.

  3. This is a great motivational quote, Jordan. I can apply it to speech and debate, so it is pretty multi-purposeful since you can apply it to sports. I struggle with doubting myself a lot, too, and I know how self-deprecating it is. I think it's important to believe in yourself because you are the only constant in your life.
