Monday, September 28, 2015

Famous quotes

"I write this sitting in the kitchen sink."
I Capture the Castle - Original CoverBook Review: I Capture the Castle by Dodie SmithThis quote comes from the book called, I Capture The Castle. The book was written by a woman named Dodie Smith. Though i have never read the book, from the reviews i read they all stated one thing. That this book is very character driven. It talks of a young girl who live in diminishing castle that is hard to describe without using the word, "Picturesque". Doddie smith originally published this book in  1949. It has been republished a couple more times later on, Eventually even changing the picture on the cover. Unfortunately Ms. Smith died in 1990 on November 14th. Living a long life after being born on May 3rd of 1886.

"He was soon borne by the waves and lost in the darkness and distance"
Image result for the original frankenstein bookThis quote comes from the book Frankenstein. I mean who doesn't know of Frankenstein? Everyone does. Though I've never read the book or seen the original movie. Or any movie for that fact, i know this book talks of a man who creates what some may call a monster, Coining the phrase " ITS ALIIIVVVEE" Or something along that nature, thus book was written by a woman named Mary Shelley. Ms. Shelley passed away on February 1st of 1852, passing away at the age of 54. Being borne on August 30th of 1797.

1 comment:

  1. Do either of these books seem like something you would like to read?
